What is Breathwork?
Pranayama Breathing, also known as connected breathing, is a simple and powerful active mediation. This 3-stage breath (inhale/inhale/exhale), done laying on your back guided through voice and music, can help to release stuck negative energy, shift your consciousness and clears blockages held in your body’s cellular memory.
Breathwork Healings offers you a nurturing experience, an opportunity to heal, relax, restore and replenish. This healing breathwork is powerful, simple and can be life-changing. Together we will look at what is in the way of you opening your heart.
Who Are We?
Jesse Gros is a life coach, author and breathwork facilitator and teacher.
Jesse has been teaching pranayama breathwork for several years to groups as large as 50 and intimately with 1 on 1 clients.
Jesse is the author of "The Freethinker's Guide to Coaching", "My Life Coach Wears a Tutu" and "Your Wild & Precious Life: Adventures in Conscious Creation". Jesse has been leading transformational retreats all over the world, through his retreat and coaching company, Insight Adventures™.
He holds a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and is a Certified Life Coach, Breathwork Healer, and TED speaker coach.
Alex began her spiritual practice two decades ago, learning many of the eastern modalities of healing through yoga, meditation, dance, aroma-touch, and pranayama breathwork. Alex is a "grounding healer", creating and holding space for people to show up and express themselves exactly how they are and where they are, in the present moment.
She is a leadership coach and workshop facilitator. She offers private and group sessions, in a safe and sacred space. Alex guides participants through the mind, and deep into your body and heart, where the truth of yourself is revealed. Gently, safely and playfully, together you will navigate the areas in which energy, both positive and negative, is stuck and move that energy towards greater inner peace and healing.

What You Should Know... Read Our Waiver.
Breathwork is a voluntary activity.
Breathwork is a personal growth experience designed to enhance the quality of life, and is not a substitute for psychotherapy. This Breathwork activity will involve strong connected breathing and guided meditation. Breathwork can involve dramatic experiences accompanied by strong emotional and physical responses and/or releases.
You might find Breathwork physically, emotionally and/or mentally stressful and/or blissful.
Breathwork is not medically supervised. If you have any pre-exsisting and/or known medical issues or concerns you should talk to you physician and or psychotherapist regarding your physical or mental ability to safely participate in this activity. If you have chosen not to obtain a physicians consent prior to your participation in Breathwork, you are doing so solely at your own risk. It is your sole responsibility to participate in activities that are appropriate for the current status of your health.
Please inform your Breathwork facilitators of any known medical issues, prior to your participation, to discuss whether this activity is right for you and/or to discuss modifications to the Breathwork activity to accommodate your needs or limitations.
You know your-self and your body better than anyone, so follow your intution and we look forward to seeing you at our next Breathwork event.